Pur·pose      /ˈpərpəs/


1. the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.”the purpose of the meeting is to appoint a trustee”


1. have as one’s intention or objective.”God has allowed suffering, even purposed it”

The RE: GROUP is dedicated to guiding customers/individuals to discover their North Star. A “North Star” that helps us adapt to any situation by having a strong sense of direction.

At The RE: GROUP we help customers recognize and define their core mission, vision, and values by aligning their goals with a vibrant and meaningful purpose. 

The RE: GROUP is here to provide insight into the hidden meanings of your business’ challenges in a variety of ways or walk alongside individuals as a “dream doula” to help them identify their “why”. At The RE: Group we believe that everyone has a purpose.

North Star Support

Intention & Impact Identification

Mission, Vision & Values Creation


North Star Support

Intention & Impact Identification

Mission, Vision & Values Creation


North Star Support

North Star Support

The RE: GROUP can chart a clear path toward your “North Star”. 

This involves crafting roadmaps, identifying benefits, and providing ongoing support to ensure alignment with your overarching vision.

Our goal is to set sail with clients on their journey to embrace their purpose, navigate complexities, and steer their endeavors toward meaningful and fulfilling destinations. 

Let The RE: GROUP motivate and align you with your unique “North Star” amidst a constellation of change.

Intention & Impact Identification

Intention & Impact Identification

The RE: GROUP’s ongoing support ensures continual alignment between intentions and actual outcomes, fostering a philosophy of accountability and adaptability.

The RE: GROUP pinpoints unintended values and guides others in recalibrating strategies to maximize positive impacts while mitigating adverse effects.

Our passionate framework drives alignment, inspires action, and can serve as the cornerstone of your journey to success.

Mission, Vision & Values Creation

Mission, Vision & Values Creation

Let The RE: GROUP serve as your compass as we embark on a necessary but interactive journey to find your mission, vision, and values.

The RE: GROUP can help create workshops and strategic meetings focused on refining your foundational elements to ensure that they resonate with everyone involved.

The RE: GROUP will create an intentional space featuring the voices from every level of your organization, from the founders, and C-suite professionals, to those carrying out the mission/daily business and most importantly the people you serve. 

The RE: GROUP will work with you to create a nuanced mission, vision, and values statement that will double as a roadmap to success.

Dream Doula

Dream Doula

Many individuals struggle to find their “purpose”, even more find it difficult to gain insight into their to their “why”. Take the next step of exploring the hidden meanings of your goals and passions.

If you are feeling at a loss of where to start, pause and allow The RE: GROUP to decode the symbols in your life and unlock the power of your dreams.

With this service, you will have a personal mentor, creative coach, and life-long passion-prenuer at your service; teaching you from our own missteps, identifying resources that I would use/have used, and creating a plan to not only get you started, but uncover the hidden truths of your dreams!

© The RE: GROUP Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved.