U·ni·fy /ˈyo͞onəˌfī/
1. make or become united, uniform, or whole. “The new chief executive said he hoped to unify the company”
At The RE: GROUP we help businesses enhance their communication outreach strategies by synchronizing their actions with a clear and meaningful purpose.
We aim to create a confident and communication-rich environment where every interaction contributes to your overall success.
RE: GROUP with us for assistance in creating a community centric art event, canvassing support, organizing and facilitating community listening sessions, or planning your neighborhood block party.

community outreach strategies
organic placemaking strategies
community outreach strategies

community outreach strategies
Come together with The RE: GROUP to empower organizations and businesses to meaningfully engage with their local creative talent in the vibrant communities around them.
Whether it’s developing strong communication plans or organizing outreach events, The RE: GROUP provides guidance on a wide-range of your community’s creative initiatives.
From the creation of compelling and meaningful content to engaging social media posts, newsletters, and press releases that inspire outlets to RE: GROUP with you; our purpose is to create authentic connections, foster trust, and cultivate lasting relationships between The RE: GROUP’s clients and the communities they serve.
organic placemaking strategies

organic placemaking strategies
The RE: GROUP’s approach revolves around understanding the unique identity and needs of each unique customer, fostering inclusive designs that deliver sustainability, cultural richness, and community engagement.
Our services are aimed at transforming your organization into a vibrant and community-centric environment or pinpointing your business’s ecosystem.
The RE: GROUP engages stakeholders to grasp the essence of their community’s aspirations.
© The RE: GROUP Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved.